Performance Appraisal Systems and Employee Effectiveness
Performance Appraisal, Employee Effectiveness, 360-degree feedback, ProductivityAbstract
This paper assesses the interconnectivity between performance appraisal and employee effectiveness. The objective of the study was to empirically ascertain the extent to which 360-degree feedback (3DF) and critical incidence in performance appraisal relates with organsational success in terms of profitability, employee efficiency and job satisfaction. After literary investigation the revealed that there exists a stronger relationship between performance appraisal system in terms of 360 degree feedback (3DF) and critical incidence and employee effectiveness in terms of profitability, employee efficiency and job satisfaction. Based on the finding it was concluded that performance appraisal system impacts positively on employee effectiveness. Amongst the suggestions are that of more investment should be reinforced on 360-degree feedback as this has the highest positive link with business success
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