Challenges Of International Human Resource Management and the Way Forward


  • Krama Enigheni Ekune Post Graduate School, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
  • Omorogieva Agbonmwanre Anthony Department of Business Administration and Management Federal Polytechnic, Ukana Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


International Human Resource Management, Training, Recruitment, Compensation and Multinational Companies


International human resource management is the process of employing, training and developing and compensating the employees in international and global organizations. An international company is one which has subsidiaries outside the home-county which rely on the business expertise or manufacturing capabilities of the parent company. Generally, an MNC is considered to have a number of businesses in different countries but managed as a whole from the headquarters, located in one country.  International HRM deals with the typical HRM functions like recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, etc., at the international level. However, handling human resource management is always challenging, and adding an international layer only increases the complexity of operations—from maintaining legal compliance to navigating cultural barriers of a diverse team. It’s essential to be informed about the challenges of managing a global workforce before making first international hire. Therefore, human resource professionals should ensure that all employees have the resources needed and training to flourish at your organization no matter the location or time of day. Through the staffing of international employees, one has to be more lenient towards deadlines and provide tasks with a consideration that communication may have a negative factor towards the  deadline. One has to approach this in a matter that is more towards strategic HR such as paying attention to feedback coming from someone who is in that country.


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How to Cite

Enigheni Ekune, K., & Agbonmwanre Anthony, O. (2024). Challenges Of International Human Resource Management and the Way Forward. International Journal of Agribusiness and Sustainable Development Research, 1(1), 21–30. Retrieved from


